Ortus Legio

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» MaidAkemi's BIO
Skie, Mature Adult, Large  Blue Dragon Icon_minitime1Thu Jan 29, 2009 6:13 pm by -Catastrophic,

» Kantaro Legis ; High-classed Feild Surgeon
Skie, Mature Adult, Large  Blue Dragon Icon_minitime1Fri Jan 23, 2009 1:17 pm by DarknightK

» The Protagonist's Medical record.
Skie, Mature Adult, Large  Blue Dragon Icon_minitime1Thu Jan 22, 2009 3:11 pm by Kalaksuki

» Blackhearts Legion
Skie, Mature Adult, Large  Blue Dragon Icon_minitime1Mon Jan 19, 2009 4:53 pm by Blackheart,

» The Dragons Forgotton
Skie, Mature Adult, Large  Blue Dragon Icon_minitime1Mon Jan 19, 2009 4:35 pm by Cear

» Bringing OOC into IC
Skie, Mature Adult, Large  Blue Dragon Icon_minitime1Mon Jan 19, 2009 4:32 pm by Father-Bear

» Troll of the Hoard ;;
Skie, Mature Adult, Large  Blue Dragon Icon_minitime1Mon Jan 19, 2009 2:47 pm by Father-Bear

» Horns of War
Skie, Mature Adult, Large  Blue Dragon Icon_minitime1Mon Jan 19, 2009 2:23 pm by Father-Bear

» An awkward kiss, but a normal day (Part 4)
Skie, Mature Adult, Large  Blue Dragon Icon_minitime1Mon Jan 19, 2009 12:02 pm by Kalaksuki

    Skie, Mature Adult, Large Blue Dragon


    Posts : 8
    Join date : 2009-01-07
    Location : California

    Skie, Mature Adult, Large  Blue Dragon Empty Skie, Mature Adult, Large Blue Dragon

    Post  Cear Fri Jan 16, 2009 1:05 pm


    -;Habbo Name: Djsasc
    -;Sex: Male [no i dont want sex with you]


    -;Character's Name: Skie
    -;Race Blue Dragon
    -;Class Elemental Master ; Lightning, Storm ;
    -;Sex: Male
    -;Age: 350 [Mature Adult]
    -;Height: 7 ft
    -;Weight: 2,500 Pounds
    -;Eye Color: Featureless Orb Of Stormy Blue, Like A Blind Person -NOT BLIND-
    -;Hair Color: Not Appliable
    -; Physical Description: Skie looks conspiciuous by its dramatic frilled ears and a single , massive horn atop his short, blunt head. The horn juts forward from a base that takes up most of the top of the head, and it usually has two points. The primary point is slightly curved and reaches well forward, with a smaler, secondary point behind. Rows of hornlets line Skie's brow ridges, and run back from the nostrils {Which lie close to the Eyesockets} along the entire length of the head.
    Skie has a short snout with an underslung lower jaw. It has a cluster of bladelike scales under its chin, and hornlets on its cheeks. Most of Skie's teeth protrude when its mouth is closed.
    Skie's Scales are iridescent Azure with a glossy finished by blowing desert sands. the size of his scales are roughly a foot long, [thats short for a dragon] but seem to be, thicker and harder to break. Skie's hide tends to hum and crackle faintly with built-up static electricity. These effects intensify when Skie is angry or about to attack, giving off an odor of ozone and sand.
    -;Personality: A Straggling line of barren peaks winds along one edge of a great desert, as dry and desolate as the windswept sand far below. Atop the highest of these peaks is the cavernous lair of Skie. To The Humans and dwarfs that live in smaller caves on the lower slopes of the range, he is a raging force of nature, a living embodiment of violent storms of wind and hail. they offer regular sacrifices to appease the dragon's wrath, and tremble at the sound of his approach.
    -; Skie, Mature Adult, Large  Blue Dragon Blue_d11
    -;Weapon: Skie's Main Breath weapon is his Lightning. It is alot stronger than normal lightning and has a special propertie thanks to the dragons magic. with this propertie it does two things. One.. it cant be disspelled, or Controlled, Two.. It Adds A Impact To It.. Making The Attack Not Only Lightning, But Also As If You Were Punched,Hit, Slapped,, But.. With Enough Force To Crack Bones [depending on your race] Or SendYou Flying Backwards. THe Lightning Can Burn Throu Most Metals, And Clothing, But It Doesnt Not Effect Rocks,Minerals, However the Impact Propertie Does. So After Awhile.. The Rock Or Whatever Will Break Away.
    -;Weapon Picture:
    -;Mount: -to Be Added Soon-
    -;Mount Picture: -To Be Added Soon-
    -;History: Under Construction

      Current date/time is Wed Sep 18, 2024 8:14 pm