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» MaidAkemi's BIO
MaidAkemi's BIO Icon_minitime1Thu Jan 29, 2009 6:13 pm by -Catastrophic,

» Kantaro Legis ; High-classed Feild Surgeon
MaidAkemi's BIO Icon_minitime1Fri Jan 23, 2009 1:17 pm by DarknightK

» The Protagonist's Medical record.
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» Bringing OOC into IC
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» An awkward kiss, but a normal day (Part 4)
MaidAkemi's BIO Icon_minitime1Mon Jan 19, 2009 12:02 pm by Kalaksuki

3 posters

    MaidAkemi's BIO


    Posts : 1
    Join date : 2009-01-13

    MaidAkemi's BIO Empty MaidAkemi's BIO

    Post  Thelegend08 Tue Jan 13, 2009 3:42 pm


    -;Habbo Name:Thelegend08


    -;Character's Name:MajidAkemi
    -;Race Demon
    -;Class Elementalist
    -;Sex: Male
    -;Height: 6'2
    -;Eye Color:Gray changes to red
    -;Hair Color: Black (Dyes it often)
    -;Physical Description:
    -;Personality: Cool,Inpatient,Smart,Quiet.
    MaidAkemi's BIO Anime_Warrior_by_chaotixwol

    Tokotoro (Majids father)
    MaidAkemi's BIO Berserk_guts

    Kenji (Majids older brother)
    MaidAkemi's BIO Swordsman-400x400

    Majid Akemis daughter Akio Akemi
    MaidAkemi's BIO Eika-as-a-little-girl

    Kiro (Majids younger brother)

    MaidAkemi's BIO Anime_earth_warrior

    Mia (Majids Aunt)
    MaidAkemi's BIO Ninjagirlwebag9

    Majids girlfriend (Babies have to come from somwhere xD)
    MaidAkemi's BIO 1212343484_6789_full
    -;Weapon: Dual katanas, Maul , Throwing stars and Knives, Daggers , Strong Strings , Scrolls.
    -;Weapon Picture:
    It starts off as a simple stick but when called upon it turns into a maul. And no i don't fucking play that game thats just the best picture i can find. >.<
    MaidAkemi's BIO 224px-Clouded_Maul_head

    He carries these two Giant Shurikans on his back. He wears a long black cloak when he turns into his demon form. He has 2 big shurikans when he takes it off that he controls with his wind element.
    MaidAkemi's BIO D

    MaidAkemi's BIO Bankai_sword_sm3_540
    -;Mount: Wolfs
    -;Mount Picture:
    Renji the baby wolf Majid carries
    -;MaidAkemi's BIO Jung-Hund-Wolf
    The mother wolf
    MaidAkemi's BIO Wolf_of_pink_and_blue_by_khaosdog

    Father wolf
    MaidAkemi's BIO SilverWhiteWolf

    -;Character History: Majid was born with a demon wolf in him. He didn't know much about his parents but all his clan had a wolf demon, so they were considered demons. They often wore shades to cover thier eyes due to the fact their wolf eyes show at certain times. Majid mostly tried to cover up his wolf like features he was ashamed of other demons and what they have done. His clan were good demons. Majid grew up with his Aunt Mia, his little brother Kiro and his older brother Kenji and his dad Tokotoro. One day the brothers were walking threw town when a man with great strength attacked the village he used all the elements. He was powerful when Kenji with earth element, Kiro with water element , Tokotoro with his Lightning ability and Mia with her Fire element fought him off. They combined their powers to beat him. Kenji used his earth Kiro combined it with water and turned it into mud. Than Mia used fire Majid finally found out his Wind element when he used it to ignite her fire further. They than melted the mud and buried him neck down. Majid was incredible when he used the wind to turn the minerals to sand and kill the man. The village later found they were demons when looking in their eyes. Village later got together and ran them out. After that day they left, the three brothers were put together Kenji being the oldest he had to look out for them. Majid grew stronger he had a daughter and now is a wandere he still stops by to see his brothers a lot. He often does it 3 times a week. His daughter loves to walk around and explore with Majid. She is trying to become a Elementalist but she is to young. They still haven't figured her element out nor got progress with it.Majid, Kenji , and Kiros bond is very close. They hang around all the time. Kiro is usually the one joking around and getting introuble. Kenji is the quiet fighter type but he is also a smart mouth. He has his suprises as well. People often say Majid is always lovable even when they hate him. He often smart mouths and talks a lot of trash, but he is the nicest person inside. This is how he met the women he fell inlove with. They first started off hating each other but inlove secretly but Majids stubbornness didn't allow him to have a serious talk. He would make smart comment, Till she was attacked by a man at night. She was walking down the dark street when a man attacked her trying to "Test his powers" Majid than jumped out of no where above the man with a giant hammer over head. He slammed it down to the man and missed, He broke the floor with great force the man was in shock. Majid got kicked around a few time. Till he had blood leaking from his face down to his neck. He had scars on it cheek and his neck. He got mad when the man punched the girl he liked and stomped down to her face. His eye started to glow red he got angered and ran right to the man. With great speed he killed the man instantly. The women he had loved was in shock, he walked up to her when Kenji swooped down and told Majid its time to go. Majid left he talked to her about it when they shared a kiss (Shit happend) that led to him having Akio Akemi. Akio was born in a sprinkle of rain in the morning. Majid was born at the same weather and same time. Majid was happy to see her she had her mothers eye and hair, but had Majids fighting spirit. Majid and Akio share a great bond he often takes her everywhere. Majid and Akio love to watch the rain or the sunset.

    Last edited by Thelegend08 on Wed Jan 14, 2009 5:54 pm; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : Image was to large)

    Posts : 27
    Join date : 2009-01-08

    MaidAkemi's BIO Empty Re: MaidAkemi's BIO

    Post  Father-Bear Tue Jan 13, 2009 3:53 pm

    Nice brah
    I like Kiro

    Posts : 1
    Join date : 2009-01-07

    MaidAkemi's BIO Empty Re: MaidAkemi's BIO

    Post  -Catastrophic, Thu Jan 29, 2009 6:13 pm

    Nazi sword?

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