Ortus Legio

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» MaidAkemi's BIO
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» Kantaro Legis ; High-classed Feild Surgeon
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» The Protagonist's Medical record.
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» Blackhearts Legion
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» The Dragons Forgotton
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» Bringing OOC into IC
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» Troll of the Hoard ;;
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» Horns of War
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» An awkward kiss, but a normal day (Part 4)
Kei miyu-kama Icon_minitime1Mon Jan 19, 2009 12:02 pm by Kalaksuki

    Kei miyu-kama


    Posts : 17
    Join date : 2009-01-08
    Age : 32
    Location : Columbus, Ohio

    Kei miyu-kama Empty Kei miyu-kama

    Post  Lovedarkness Fri Jan 16, 2009 1:08 pm


    -;Habbo Name:Lovedarkness
    -;Sex: Female


    -;Character's Name: Kei Miyu
    -;Race Elf
    -;Class- Healer, Alchmeist (water)
    -;Sex: Female
    -;Age: unknown
    -;Height: 5'4
    -;Weight: 102
    -;Eye Color: Blue
    -;Hair Color: Light blue
    -;Physical Description: Is fragile looking,Is very strong from training with a dragon named Skie.
    -;Personality: Very quiet, gives off that she is not dangerous, very tricky when she wants something. Is only truely nice when Skie is around, after he leaves she's a whole new person. Gives off to bigger creatures that she's afraid really she's already planning how to take you down now.
    -; Kei ::[img]Kei miyu-kama Girl57[/img]
    -;Weapon: A strong Staff that posses fire inside of it, it gives Kei her strength, has the ablity to control water, Also holds a Bow which is very accurate when it shoots.
    -;Weapon Picture:[img]Kei miyu-kama Magicstaff[/img].[img]Kei miyu-kama Daikyu[/img]

    -;Character History; Kei Miyu-kama a Young girl who's parents died when she was very young, after seeing the affects of no being able to protect one's self she learn magic quick. At the age of 13 she stumbled unto a Dragon egg after a few months the eggs hacthed. The dragon's name was Skie.
    They both watched each other and protected each other, Kei depends alot on Skie. She will almost never leave his side unless told to do so. Now they travel together in the land of Otrus Legio where they are soon to meet thier next opponet.Found a Dragonkin named Grom who now travel with them along with a Young red dragon named Thorn who Skie is training now.

      Current date/time is Wed Sep 18, 2024 8:16 pm