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4 posters

    The Demonic Trance


    Posts : 3
    Join date : 2009-01-12

    The Demonic Trance Empty The Demonic Trance

    Post  nunu19 Mon Jan 12, 2009 3:00 pm

    ;; Out Of Character ;;

    -;Name- Nunu19

    -;Sex- Male (btw im gay)

    ;; In Character ;;

    -;Character Name- Arcane Silver

    -;Race- Demon

    -; Class- Twilight Spirit

    -;Sex- Male

    -; Age-16

    -;Height 5.5 Feet long

    -;Weight- 9.7 Lb.

    -;Eye Color- Left eye Abyss Black. Right eye Dark Red.

    -; Hair color- Abyss Black.

    -; Physical Description- Tall, Lean, Sorta Pale, Muscular to a extent.

    -;Personality- Mysterious, Untruthful, Doubtful, Not trustworthy, Destructive, Hyperactive, Kind at moments.

    -;This is his full demon spirit picture known as Arkade -EBULL-The Demonic Trance Normal_wolf-demon

    -;This is his Normal kind self. The Demonic Trance Devil_by_heise

    -; Arcane has a various assortment of dark magical weapons.This is the Demon Sword.The Demonic Trance 100-7X90

    These are his daggers x4.The Demonic Trance Quillon%20Daggers

    This is his choas axe.The Demonic Trance Props-Chaos-Skeleton-Axe-1

    This is his demonic KatanaThe Demonic Trance Practical%20Katana%20SH1070

    He uses a wristblade to surprise his enemies with a wild attack.

    This is his hidden ability. Trance eyes. He can use them to knock out his enemy in a instant if the light that comes from them is shown to his enemy. He can erase and bring back memories, and use telepathy from his eyes.He can also sense ur emotions with it.

    He can also manipulate darkness and fire.

    Mount- He uses his wings to fly he has no animal.

    -Character history-
    Arcane was 3 years old when he first discovered his power over fire and darkness. He used it to kill his father and mother. His mother was burned to death and his father fell into a dark void never to return. He then found refuge at a old farm keepers home. The farm keeper name Kaithon cared for him until he was 11 years old. He stopped caring when he died at the age of 85. Arcane was the one to kill him with his trance eye. He was only 11 and had discovered a family secret of the "Silver's" and so he took off at this young age and traveled teh world. He survived off of stealing and lieng. He became 12 shortly after. Age 12 is the day that a demon child uprises in power. He unlocked his rage form. Arkade. Arkade is a terrible beast named after Arcane. He is locked inside of Arcane's mind, held at bay by a terrible power. This power only comes forth when Arcane experiences great pain,fear, or a need for destruction. The day he rose into this power was a reckless day for he transformed at midnight on his birthday into full demon. He ran through city after city destroying homes, people, animals and anything that got in his way. For one whole day this continued on. Then he finally collapsed at midnight on the day after his birthday. He collapsed at a crossroads and didnt wake up until three days later. Where he was mysteriously awoken by a human named Lukraith who tried to use his power over light to kill Arcane. Arcane quickly dispatched the man and ran into the horizon...looking for a new journey. He is currently 16 years old. (he is icly gay)

    Last edited by nunu19 on Tue Jan 13, 2009 6:34 pm; edited 6 times in total

    Posts : 12
    Join date : 2009-01-08
    Age : 32
    Location : Coshocton, OH

    The Demonic Trance Empty nice character

    Post  Blackheart, Mon Jan 12, 2009 3:54 pm

    lol, u have a badass looking picture.. lol

    Posts : 3
    Join date : 2009-01-12

    The Demonic Trance Empty Re: The Demonic Trance

    Post  nunu19 Mon Jan 12, 2009 4:01 pm

    Me noes! im hawt =) Like a Star @ heaven

    Posts : 17
    Join date : 2009-01-08
    Age : 32
    Location : Columbus, Ohio

    The Demonic Trance Empty Re: The Demonic Trance

    Post  Lovedarkness Mon Jan 12, 2009 4:13 pm

    Lol you got enough weapons XD

    Posts : 27
    Join date : 2009-01-08

    The Demonic Trance Empty Re: The Demonic Trance

    Post  Father-Bear Mon Jan 12, 2009 4:14 pm

    Everyone gots a good char picture ..
    I cant find one of my liken!
    Weapons im sure i could fine one .
    But yeah, kick ass char pic.

    Posts : 3
    Join date : 2009-01-12

    The Demonic Trance Empty Re: The Demonic Trance

    Post  nunu19 Mon Jan 12, 2009 5:36 pm

    errr i think i have too less weopans lol i like to be fired up!

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