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    Abbas Gero the Dwarf


    Posts : 27
    Join date : 2009-01-08

    Abbas Gero the Dwarf Empty Abbas Gero the Dwarf

    Post  Father-Bear Fri Jan 09, 2009 3:49 pm

    - Out-Of-Character -

    - Habbo Name: Father-Bear

    - Sex: Male

    - In-Character -

    - Character's Name: Abbas Gero

    - Race: Dwarf

    - Sex: Male

    - Age: 32

    - Height: 4'5

    - Weight: 180 Ibs

    - Eye Color: Fire Red

    - Hair Color: Flame Orange

    - Physical Description: Shourt and wide is the best way to say. His face is rough from smithing and battles. His long hair is tied back and his beard is long and bushy. He is extreamly strong in the upper body.

    - Personality: A proud one he is, but his fuse is as short as he is. Abbas loves being a Dwarf and will do anything in his power to make him bold. He hates when people make comments about Dwarves or about his hieght. Often drunk or sobber he will pick fights with anyone, Especialy dragons and dragon-kin.

    -;Picture:Abbas Gero the Dwarf Towers2

    Weapon: Crafted from the dwarven smiths itself Abbas's hammer is made of solid mithiril. Its blue tint glows a dime colour when a dragon is near and it is engraved with gems along the handle.

    Weapon Picture:Abbas Gero the Dwarf DG15002

    - Character History: Currently under work.

      Current date/time is Wed Sep 18, 2024 8:32 pm