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    Ryuichi Meigrand


    Posts : 2
    Join date : 2009-01-08

    Ryuichi Meigrand Empty Ryuichi Meigrand

    Post  silverclaw, Thu Jan 08, 2009 4:24 pm


    -;Habbo Name: Silverclaw,
    -;Sex: Male


    -;Character's Name: Ryu Meigrand
    -;Race: Wolf Youkai
    -;Power: Aura minipulation - Using this natural sourse of energy he can minipulate energy around him, deforming, controling some elements. He can also use it in its pure form.
    -;Sex: Male
    -;Age: 11
    -;Height: 5'5"
    -;Weight: 90 pounds
    -;Eye Color: One blue eye and one maroon eye
    -;Hair Color: Various (usually pink and blue or maroon and dark blue)
    -;Physical Description: Slender, medium long hair, very child-like
    -;Personality: He is very playful, loves to make new friends and usually does so. He loves to eat and run through the woods. He is afraid of the dark, vampires, and other dark creatures. He usually carries around a stuffed bunny rabbit. It takes a lot to get him angry, but if he does get angry enough he goes into a rage form and kills anything that gets in his way.

    -;Picture(not necessary): Ryuichi Meigrand CuteAnimeNekoBoy-;

    Ryuichi Meigrand Omfgyes

    -;Weapon: Twin wolf daggers, Posion Needle Launcher, Wrist Blade

    -;Weapon Picture:

    Wrist Blade:Ryuichi Meigrand Poop

    Wolf Daggers: Ryuichi Meigrand ImpeialWhiteDradonDaggers

    Needle lancher: A machine on his wrist that fires off various types of toxic needles.
    Purple needle:(A Cure for all Toxins he uses)
    Green Needle (Attacks the nervious system, paralized)
    Black Needle (Attacks the brain, Death)
    Red Needle (Attacks his artries making the veins explode, Death)
    Silver Needle (Gives them a sezure seeing illusions and then passing out, K.O)
    Gold Needle (Toxin going throughout the blood stream killing the person, death)
    Wooden Needle (Used just for play/show)

    -; Alternate Personality: His name is keeto, he is a demon that is around 320 years old. He resides within Ryuichi's body, restricted by his young form. He has black aura that transforms itself into 4 aura tendrils.

    -; Keeto's Picture: Ryuichi Meigrand L_1ab475cce0a3c50b669e7bcfb00a02a3

    -;Wolf Form: Ryuichi Meigrand Wolf17-;

    -;Character History: Ryu was one of three siblings in a youkai village. A gang called the black roses attacked when he was 5 years old. A man grabbed him once they attacked and ran to safety, this is when he saw the leaders face. He remembered how the black rose leader looked throughout the years. He got to know the man that saved him from the village, and accepted him as his father. He died when Ryu was 10, leaving ryu to fend for himself in the woods. He traveled for about a year wandering the lands, looking for his brother and sister. His father was a wolf youkai, and his mother was a elf. All the females in his family where elves, while the males where wolf youkais. He stopped traveling once he reached this land, hoping that it could start a new beginning for him.

      Current date/time is Wed Sep 18, 2024 8:33 pm